A Year of Reading Poetry

I have spent much of winter break reading poetry. I traded in an old textbook for the Later Poems of Adrienne Rich, just picked up the letters of Emily Dickinson and The Complete Poems of Nikki Giovani, and have been reading Milk and Honey which is so amazing. I read so much during the year. Primarily history, as I am still working on course work and comps, but also a ton of fiction (I have a rule that I only read fiction on my bus ride to and from school. It has transformed everything). This year I read a decent amount of literary fiction and about a million Young Adult novels, which I love. But my goal for 2017 is to read a volume of poetry for every novel I read. I solicited recommendations on twitter and I have begun to compile a to-read list. Here goes:

1. The Collected Poems of Nikki Giovani

2. Envelope Poems by Emily Dickinson 

3. The Tornado is the World

4. Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin

5. Rome by Dorothea Lasky

6. The Dogs I have Kissed by Trista Mateer

7. ay All Your Wounds Be Mortal by Salma Deera

8. The Invention of Zero by Richard Kenney 

9. Life on Mars by Tracy Smith

10. Greenwood by Allison Cobb

11. Saeed Jones

12. Ocean Vuong

13. Bluets by Maggie Nelson

14. Imaginary Vessels by Paisley Rekdal 

15. Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsaw Shire 

16. How to Be Drawn by Terrance Hayes 

Holly Genovese