A New Start

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I have been toying with the idea of actually blogging for a while. Not just blogging for classes like I used to, or reblogging on Tumblr, or writing for USIH and the Stars Hollow Historical Society blog. I love reading lifestyle blogs and fashion blogs and all kinds of blogs (favorites include  Delightfully Tacky, A Beautiful MessModern Mrs. Darcy, Man Repeller  etc). I got a DSLR for Christmas (a Canon Rebel T5)  with an  Ona camera bag.  I love reading blogs and I love blogger culture (I have read every issue of Belong Magazine a magazine for bloggers, without blogging!)

SO anyway, this is my first post on the new and improved blog. I will still post about history and writing, but I hope to post more generally about books, trips, classes, life, learning french (one of my new years resolutions), and fashion! This blog isn’t so much a new years resolution, as a conveniently timed project (I decided to begin during winter break, just set up my website, and got my camera) but because of the timing, my first post will be my new years resolutions (get ready i make a lot).

  1. blogging! I was procrastinating the end of the semester by buying my domain name and setting up my website. While I think it can be prettier, I think I am really read to start blogging. I have my camera. I have downloaded two photography e-courses, one by Delightfully Tacky and one by A Beautiful Mess I also downloaded Delightfully Tacky’s Blogging 101 e-course, which I highly recommend. I think I've got this.
  2. learn html. I used to know so much about html, as a baby blogger/live journal obsessed teenager, but much of that knowledge has been lost. There are so many online resources, like Code Academy  for learning useful digital skills. Plus, any digital skill will help on the job market eventually/as I go deeper into this blogging stuff.
  3. create a morning routine. I have been trying and failing at this for years, after I successfully kept it up during my junior year of college. I want to get up, run, make some coffee, write/read/journal/read the newspaper and still have time to get ready without running out the door/skipping makeup/forgetting my lunch/grading/favorite pen. I have read every self help book imaginable about becoming a morning person, making a morning routine, etc etc. I think the secret might just be going to bed earlier, so that is my goal.
  4. Tone It Up. I love TIU. When my friend first told me about it, I was a little suspicious. Why did I need a blog to work out? Why do online workout downloads cost so much? But guys, they are so good. I can’t wait for the new challenge, I love Beach Babe 4, and I love all of their bundles/and workout gear. Yes, it’s expensive and unnecessary, but it’s also wonderful.
  5. Run the Broad Street Run. Ever since I started running, almost 3 years ago, I have wanted to run the Broad Street Run. But I was living in South Carolina and then I was having 0 motivation, so this year is the year. I have run a half, I know I can do it, I just have to build up those habits again. i think, if I can finally settle this morning routine stuff, it will be a lot easier.
  6. Journal Daily. I got a Simplified Journal by Emily Ley and I love it so so much guys. It’s perfect, a great way to close out a stressful day. That said, I have not been using it nearly everyday and I think journaling is so so good for me. I used to do it all through middle and high school, but lost the habit somewhere.
  7. Pass my Comps. This isn’t a fun self-reflective resolution, as much as it is something I have to do. And while I am dreading the actual exam, I have been loving reading so far. I made all of my lists and I am excited to read much of what’s on them. When else will I get the opportunity to read this much, about things I am interested in? But anyway, I have to do it anyway.
  8. Amtrak trip to California. I signed up for an Amtrak rewards credit card, because it’s my preferred method of traveling to my Mom and Dad’s house. I figured, I might as well earn points towards those trips. And then I realized, it could also be a way to take a train trip across the country. I have been dying to visit a friend out in Los Angeles so I started saving up Amtrak points to get enough for a cross country trip during spring break (Don’t worry, I am flying back, I am not that crazy). I only need 2,000 more points for a sleeper car-so wish me luck. It comes with a bed, a camp shower, coffee every morning, and meals. But i think it will be the perfect fun-solo spring break trip.
  9. Find a church. My boyfriend and I are going Church shopping this spring. I have been feeling the inclination to join and attend church for a while now, but I have some very specific parameters (very liberal, service oriented, intellectual, not a lot of ceremony) which means it’s difficult to find a good fit. But we are going to check out a few this coming semester.
  10. Write Daily. this goes along with my morning routine. By the fall, my only job will be writing (and teaching). So I want to try to get into the habit of writing a little everyday now, so that when it’s a necessity I can keep it up.
  11. Learn French. I have been thinking about learning french for a few years now. I found some books I want to start with, along with some free online stuff, because I won’t have time for a course. But I found a fairly inexpensive place to take french classes in New Orleans this summer, so that should go well.
  12. keep publishing. I published so many blogs/magazine articles/etc this year. I want to keep up the momentum. I would love to write for a few more blogs, write for a bigger level magazine, and hopefully get a journal article published. So that’s probably my biggest goal, but I definitely think keeping this blog and starting my morning writing practice will help.