Public Writing for Academics

Public Writing for Academics


You will get access to a presentation, Notion page with links to tons of resources, and my pitch guide. Discounts available for graduate students, adjuncts, and independent scholars. Honor system, just e-mail for the code.

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Why should you trust me?

am a Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies and I have been published in The Washington Post, Avidly (LARB), Teen Vogue, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, and a bunch of other places. I consider myself a cultural critic but am obsessed with the spaces where art and literature and music intersect. I also write a lot about injustice in prisons, in academia, in literature. My academic background before American Studies was history and now it includes literature, Black studies, visual culture studies, and as much as I can get away with writing about teen television.

I've also been helping friends and colleagues pitch for years! Some have graciously written about this experience!

"My friends and I edit each others’ pitches all the time. But Holly is different: she has experience with so many different bylines, and the most insightful and precise edits, which have helped me land essays". -Rebecca Brenner Graham, PhD